Sunday 14 February 2016

Plantation Meet Review Part 1

We tried something different at the meet yesterday.  Before and during the afternoon session, I asked each athlete to tell me what they thought their time would be on their next event.  There were 1-2 times when I felt that I needed to help an athlete adjust their goal time, but for the most part the athletes came up with their goal on their own.

I came away with a few thoughts:

1- Stating a goal before the event seemed to help with the athlete's focus on the actual event.
2- Stating a goal before the event forced the athlete to consider the splits that were needed to achieve the goal time.
3- Stating a goal before the event opened up the line of communication between myself and the athletes, and helped us establish appropriate communication during the competition -- which should always be centered around increasingly higher levels of performance.
4- Stating a goal before the event helped the athletes to focus more on their warmup and warm down procedures.

I will be publishing a "Meet Review Part 2" soon!

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