Thursday 21 January 2016

Wednesday January 20, 2016

Wednesday's practice went very well.  We had two separate groups within the National group on this day.

Wednesday's goal: swim progressively stronger on Free IM and Freestyle repeats throughout the "Active Rest" set.  Everything leading into the Active Rest set is placed so that the athletes can warm up appropriately while also having the opportunity for skill development.  In today's case, we had some 25s and 50s of some Free and some non-Free happening before the main set.

Lane Leaders: Kaitlyn, Abby / Wyatt, Jack, Rip, Shawn.
Top Performers: Abby (5), Shawn (4), Rip (3.5) -- more on my (number grades) in a future post.
Top Improvers: Maura, Alex.
Absent: Davis, Cole ….."GBS"….(that means "Get better soon" guys).

The "Top Improvers" warrant explanation in this case.  Maura got an "TI"  because she had a great "pre-set" and pretty good "main set" after a ho-hum morning practice.  Her ability to pick herself up and improve throughout the day was great to see, and one of the things that I look for in an athlete.  We can't always control having great practices, but we can control getting back up and fighting for our goals.  Alex gets a "TI" because his set was excellent, and was a huge improvement over the Free IM set he did last week.  I enjoy seeing athletes make this improvement from week to week; athletes who can show this resilience through athletics will also show this resilience through the rest of their lives.

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