Monday 18 January 2016

The Last Few Weeks

Here are a few key sets we have done within the last few weeks:

Friday January 8:  1000 Kick Time Trial:
Outstanding effort and results, as a group.  Cole and Rip were both under 1:15 per 100 pace, flutter kick with a kick board, which is the first time anyone from our training group has been this fast.  It's very good kicking, and when you look at the top end plus the depth of kicking with our group….we are right to consider ourselves a good kicking team.  It's a big strength and bodes well for the longevity of our T2 athletes down the road.

Cole Gutknecht 12:24 (5)
Rip Lyster 12:29 (5)
Jack Scanlon 12:54 (4.25)
Paolo Sunyak 12:57 (4.25)

Saturday January 9:  27x100 ….descending intervals
This was not a great practice for us as a group.  We ended up scrapping the original workout plan to "redo" the set at the end of the warmup.  The set at the end of the warmup was 9x100 Free on descending intervals.  We were swimming between 112-115 as a group for the 100s….which is pretty slow and lazy.  So we did the 9x100 three more times, with 1:30 between the sets of 9.  The fastest guys who were leading the lanes descended to 106-107s.  We need more practice with the LCM sets.

I'd like to go back to the LCM practice we scrapped….but we have to be ready to do it well.  The set we scrapped was a "stroke set"….400 Drill, 4x100 Free, 4x100 Stroke, 1 minute rest, 2x100 Stroke, repeat 3 times.  Wyatt and Paolo, as two examples, would like to get to the point where they can do 1:04-1:05 backstroke 100s on the 2x100 after 1 minute rest.  But how are they going to do 1:04s on their back when their freestyle pace on a wamup set (after being the water for 25 minutes) is only 112 at the fastest?

Monday January 11: 9x300 KDS set
Nice effort on a challenging set.  Probably the best we've done on the Fly drilling during a set of this type.  I'll talk more about the fly drilling concept on a blog later in the month….and point out what makes our Fly drilling effective.

Tuesday January 12: Active Rest Pace set or 3000 for time.
The Pace set went well, and so did the 3000.  Shawn Lemarie became the first T2 guy under 30 minutes in this swim (29:46).  On our grading scale, this is a "5" practice (edit, see here: )
A 3000 all under 1:00 per 100 is a great accomplishment, but now we are going to hold Shawn to the idea that 1:00 can no longer be a "hard task to accomplish" during practice. It's not acceptable to be holding lazy 1:05s, even in warmup.  The rest of the results are here:
….And this the what we looked at prior to the swim, to get in tune with the paces needed.  This type of thing is what all athletes should be thinking about…paces needed at certain checkpoints to achieve certain results.  

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