Tuesday 26 January 2016

Tuesday 1.26.16 National group EDIT -with results


Group grade 4.25.  This is an above average grade.  I want to hear more from athletes in terms of being vocal in practice to get to a 4.5 group grade.  I think 4.5 is about as high as we will get for a "group" grade (5.0 is going to take amazingness from a large amount of people, with some real vocal leaders as well).

Absences: Alex, Maura, plus Davis, Madi, and Kaitlyn got out early.

The set is a TOUGH set if you get after the beginning of the set.  And we did.

Breaststrokers (100s with a flip turn….it's faster, but also more of a challenge to hold it together as the set gets tougher and lack of oxygen becomes more of a factor):

Name (best time), average through the first 9x100/ average for the last 3 100s
Jack (2:06) 105-103/ 102
Wyatt (2:03)104-104/ 111-109
Rip (2:04) 107-106106
Matt (2:05) 102-101103
Jacob (2:13) 112-109 /108
Cole (2:12) 111-109/ 108
Karen (2:28) 115-111/ 110
Bean (2:29) 117-112/ 112

Paolo (156) 59/ 58
Shawn (2:02) 104-101100
Aaron (2:05) 104-101/102
Keiran (2:15)  106-104/ 102
Emma (2:16) 106-103/ 103
Kayla (207) 107-104/ 104
Kaitlyn (203) 112-111/ 110

Freestyle 75s (4.50/5.00 grade from everyone on the 75s, nice job guys):
Erika  41.5-40.3/ 40.0
Abby 44-43/ 42
Michelle 45-44/ 43

Individual grades at the end of the post.  The times above are to the best of my recollection!  Comment if you dispute your times!  :) 

The Post-Grads did some 75s….balancing their week of training, which is a bit different at times due to their morning practices (we've got plenty of 100s already this week and last week).  Abby joined them and kicked butt….got 900 yards of :44-43-42 second 75s, which is a large volume of fast swimming for Abby.   There is a difference between swimming one or two 43s during a practice….it's a whole different thing to stack 900 yards of it together.

The same thing can be said for the 100s we did.   There's a big difference between doing….say 25x100 with every 5th one fast (500 total yards of fast swimming), and doing the set we did today (30x100 with varying fast swims) -- a total of 1200 yards of fast swimming.

Some individual grades:
Jack 4.75 -- very close to a 5.0.  Lane leader on the set, started very well with paces and finished even better, at or under 200 pace (race pace) for many 100s, also great posture on the "easy" swims.  Missed out on a few touch outs that I thought could have been better during the first 30 minutes of the set.
Matt 4.75 -- outstanding set for Matt.  Fastest swims of the group, aggressive at the beginning of the set to set the tone….right from the first 100.  I took zero percentage points off for going up slightly at the end because the set is designed so one doesn't actually get faster at the end….there is no shame in holding 101-102s and ending with 103s….the only thing left is better posture and better stroke on the moderate swims.  Pretty darn good, very close to a 5.0
Karen 4.50 -- swimming well under half her PR, and good practice swimming compared to normal
Bean 4.50 -- same as with Karen
Emma 4.50 -- same as with Karen and Bean
Paolo 4.50 -- led the backstrokers and was strong the whole way….no wasted 100s at all on the set.  Would have liked to have seen some 57s and 56s at the beginning of the set when the ratio of fast/easy was 3/1 and 2/1.  I would have been ok with "only" holding 58-59 at the end in this case….would have been 4.75 in that case.

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