Monday 23 May 2016

Practice Update: Friday Kick Set & Saturday

We had our Friday practice at the YMCA.

The set was simple and fast:

4x rounds:
2x50 Kick (50)
1x50 Swim (1)
1x50 Kick (50)
2x50 Swim (1)

The Kicking was FAST.  The last two rounds were very good, with 8 athletes kicking under 30 seconds.  Rip and BT were both 27s, Elise and Karen were 28s to lead the way.  We were missing a few guys and are certainly ready to be a team with 10-12 athletes kicking sub :30 if you include a few athletes from the Senior Performance training group.


Saturday was a LCM pace day.  At 6am, we went 16x100 (140), with every 4th Fast Freestyle…followed by 20x50 (1) every 5th Fast Freestyle.  Overall the results were awesome.  Our fastest guys are going 1:00s-1:03s on average, and our fastest girls are going 103-104s.

If you are not hitting paces during a single workout, first off -- examine the rest of your week.  Was this just a poor practice?  If so, throw it out.  Who cares.  Not a big deal.

But, if you've had more stinkers than great practices during any period of time, you've got to be able to right the ship.  As an older athlete, it's mostly going to be up to YOU!

You, the athlete, has to be the one that creates change.  Don't depend on anyone to create change for you.

If you want to make a breakthrough, here are few things to consider:At the 8am practice, we did some fast 50s.  We had some great swimming at this practice, with Matt and Wyatt hitting anywhere from 32.9 to 34.7s.  Kayla hit a few 31s for Fly, and our post grads were all right on (and under) their paces.

1- figure out roughly what you need to be doing in the SCY pool during pace training, kicking training, as well as threshold training and get to work this week on hitting fast paces in practice.    Focus on it!

2- pick an aspect of your swimming, and work on it HARD during warmup.  Getting into freestyle turns with one stroke of no breathing, FAST -- during the warmup -- is a good place to start.  It comes down to holding yourself to it.

3- get to more AM practices and be as consistent as you can be during the week.  Training consistently well is super important for continued improvement with your best events.


We've got a week of training coming up, and then we are racing in our Norris meet.  Let's have a great week!

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