Tuesday 19 April 2016

Tuesday 4.19.16 Practice Review

Tuesday's main set:

Repeat three times through:
{3 rounds: 25 easy + 25 Fast
2 rounds: 50 easy + 50 Fast
1 round: 75 easy + 75 Fast}

This is a short set for us.  We did a good warmup set and got into it.  The 75s are the big swims of the set.  The instructions were to be 90% on the 25s, and 93-95% on the 50s…then descend the 75s and see what you can put up.

The results were very good.  It doesn't take a lot to figure out what the paces mean for Short Course Yards pace/racing.  Here's how I convert to LCM pace/racing:

Take the time and multiply by three -- that's your pace per 200 Meters (based off the conversion of 225Y=200M.  I add one second for "a turn".  So, a 45.0 turns into a 46.0 {46.0 for a 75, x3 = 2:18 LCM pace).

Converting to a 200M makes the math easier, but on this type of set we are generally looking at an athlete's "GOAL 2nd 50" of a 100 LCM swim.  Here's how I see it:

37.0/38.0 = 1:54.0 (28.5 per 50) / 100 LCM would be 26.5 + 28.5 = 55.0 pace
38.0/39.0 = 157.0 (29.25 per 50) / 100 LCM would be 27.25 + 29.25 = 56.5 pace
39.0 scy 75….57.0 LCM pace
40.0….58.5 pace
41.0….1:00.0 pace
42.0….1:01.5 pace

If you'll notice, above, I've assigned a 2.0 second difference between the 2nd 50, theoretically trained in this set -- and the first 50 (trained at other times during our weekly work).  However, I'd offer that for backstrokers you are going to see a 1.0 to 1.5 second difference, mainly due to the fact that backstrokers start in the water (not on the block)….so backstrokers may need to adjust the above chart accordingly.  For Breaststrokers, the difference between the first and second 50 is the furthest apart in comparison to the other disciplines…so I look for a 3.0-4.0 second difference in practice.

So, for a breaststroker with a 3.5 second difference -- goal pacing may look like this:
43.0/44.0 = 2:12.0 (33.0 per 50) / 100 LCM would be 29.5 + 33.0 = 1:02.5 pace
44.0/45.0 = 2:15.0 (33.5 per 50) / 100 LCM would be 30.0 + 33.5 = 1:03.5 pace
45.0 scy 75…..1:04.5 LCM pace
46.0…..1:05.5 pace
47.0…..1:06.5 pace
48.0…..1:07.5 pace

Think about your paces and how they "add up" according to this chart.  I'd say we are well on our way to some great LCM 100s.  Our next goal is to see some of our 18 and under women to get under 40.0 for 75s Free….and for our Men's breaststroke group to go deeper into the 45 range, and get into 43.0-44.2 range with our quickest guys.  

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