Tuesday 8 March 2016

Monday Report

pictured: "Bobble-Head Emma"

Nice practice for T2 athletes on Monday.  We had a number of athletes (9 or 10?) handle 10x100 (105) at the end of the set -- holding red pace the whole way through.  The athletes who did the (110) interval  or the (115) interval did well also.  We want to do the toughest intervals we can do while handling the set's time goals.  We will develop the ability to handle the set in these ways while also keeping our Heart Rate low….but the measurement of that as a regular thing will come as we get more used to this type of successful color training.

One thing we can improve upon: I thought we missed some people on the kicking set that started the practice.   T2 athletes know that on Mondays we try to put in the following:

1. A strong kicking set

2. A pulling set that incorporates breath control and negative splitting (not very intense on the speed aspect compared to the kicking).

3. A threshold set.

So we got the threshold set from everyone, but we missed the kicking from a few key members.  The great news is, we addressed this issue after the kicking set and I thought the guys that needed to step up really stepped up to finish the workout.

It's ALWAYS an awesome thing to respond to your coach's coaching, because this responding goes way deeper than our sport of swimming.  In life, you've got to be able to be take another's feedback and use it in your favor.  Coaches, teachers, and parents want to help and guide the athletes, students, and children in their lives -- and we appreciate the young people that can take critique impersonally and get on with getting better.  In other words, don't take it personal….just take it and respond!

Athletes, the practice of responding to a coach will bleed into the rest of your life.  You will develop resilience and flexibility.

Additionally, you will develop trust.  Your coaches are "on your side" even when they are getting on your case.  Oftentimes, a coach "getting on your case" about being a better athlete is a sign of respect and a sign that the coach believes in you being better than you are showing.  We can see your greatness when you are not looking at it!!

Everybody wants to be great at something!  Thanks to all of the athletes for being resilient people and taking our staff's coaching to heart.  We want you to be the most successful people on the planet:)

……and here is Emma with her well-deserved 2nd place High Point from the Orlando Turkey Meet last November.  It was an amazing performance:) !

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