Monday 7 March 2016

"Color Pace" Training Part 2 (with Video)

Good Morning & Happy Monday to everyone.  I will post today's practice, if possible, a bit later.  

The video you see below is for athletes and parents, but it's the parents who will glean the most new information -- so parents, I hope you take the time to watch some or all of it.   I hope you can view this for what it's worth: it's an attempt to educate our parent base to not only training ideas & nitty gritty items regarding high-level swimming, but it's an attempt to do so in a way that shows our parent base the type of instruction the athletes receive.  My goal is foster the increased trust that comes from increased awareness of our program, in recognition of the fact that our parents are the closest and most influential people in our athlete's lives. 

This video will answer the following questions:
1. What is "Color Pace training"?
2. Why we train this way at T2 Aquatics

The video will also offer commentary on the following:
3. Discussion on some of the world's best swimmers & their use of the "Color Chart"
4. Reasons why it's important to train on a Monday following a meet
5. The specific benefit to training on Monday morning during a normal week.
6. A short discussion on the things T2 swimmers are doing well, and the things T2 swimmers need to improve upon.

Athletes, you all have busy days & the video is long.  I'll fill you in on some of the details I address in this video at practice, so you don't need to watch.  I'll do my best to get today's workout posted between  3:00 and 3:30.  I am waiting until most of you get out of school on purpose, so don't be checking your phones!

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